This past August marked the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. In commemoration of this monumental moment in history, join JETAA Chicago for a nuanced discussion on the historical legacy of these cities, with a focus on the present this Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020 at 8PM CST/6PM PST.
We will be joined by Koko Kondo, a peace activist and survivor of the Hiroshima atomic bombing whose father was prominently featured in John Hersey’s seminal Hiroshima, and three guest speakers who will answer the question: “Why should we care now?”:
Yuki Miyamoto, an Associate Professor of Religious Studies & Global Asian Studies at DePaul University
Tom Le, an Assistant Professor of Politics at Pomona College
Saira Chambers, Founding Director of the Japanese Arts Foundation
This event is organized by JETAA Chicago (Illinois, Wisconsin & Indiana, with support from JETAASC (Southern California & Arizona), and we will be joined by students from DePaul University and Pomona College. This is a public event that is free and open to all JET alumni as well as Friends of JETs (FOJs).