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JETogether 2023: Dia de Muertos

Let's JETogether!

Attend our virtual event honoring Japanese photographer Akito Tsuda's perspective and connection to Pilsen (details coming soon!) and then join JET alumni and friends of JET as JETAA Chicago returns to the location of one of the first ever JETogethers - the National Museum of Mexican Art. The Museum has hosted the art of many Japanese-American and Japanese-Mexican artists over the years, including Shizu Saldamando, and on Saturday, October 21, we are visiting their annual Dia de Muertos Exhibit!

The Museum, founded in 1982 and located in Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood, was created to highlight the multitudes of one of our city’s most vibrant communities from their own perspective. If you have not visited before, then this is your chance to experience one of Chicago’s cultural touchstones!

We will meet in front of the Museum at 11am sharp! Street parking is available around Harrison Park where the museum is located (watch out for the Neighborhood Parking signs!) and the Museum is easily accessible via public transportation on the Damen bus, 18th St. bus or Pink line train. Find your best route here!

And after we are done, feel free to stick around for a Coffee & Conversation Nijikai!

Sign up here!

This event is open to alumni and Friends of JET.

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Japan Exchange & Teaching (JET) Alumni Association of Chicago
Connecting JET alumni in the Midwest - Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana
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