Friday, August 9, 2019
6:30 - 8:00 pm
Intelligentsia Cafe (1233 N Wells Street Chicago, IL 60610 United States)
Fee: $25 JASC Members / $30 Non-Members
Must be 21 and over to attend
Reservations: www.jaschicago.org or email kono@jaschicago.org
About the Event
The Japan America Society of Chicago’s Young Professionals Committee is organizing a tasting of Japanese craft beers. Due to the recent law changing the legal definition of beer, craft beer renaissance is sweeping through Japan. This means it’s the perfect time to give some of Japan’s best brews a try.
We will be tasting a selection of beers from Kiuchi and Coedo breweries. These beers contain ingredients you just can’t get in the states, such as yuzu (the citron fruit), koji (a fungi used in sake brewing), ume (a sour plum cultivated in East Asia) and moshio (salt from seaweeds). The event will be guided by Daniel Morales, a home brewer, columnist and all around beer otaku.
Pizza and an array of beers will be provided.
About the Speaker
The tasting will be led by Daniel Morales, Japan expert and beer otaku. Mr. Morales is currently International Programs Liaison at the Institute of Real Estate Management and previously worked at the Consulate-General of Japan in Chicago.
He regularly contributes to the Japan Times Bilingual Page on Japanese language and is an accomplished home brewer. His article “Beer Essentials” discussing Japan’s craft beer boom appeared in the Japan Times newspaper on June 4, 2016.