Interested in a specific topic of study or want to learn more about fields within International Affairs? Hear from leading graduate schools that offer topic-focused grad school programs in a more intimate setting during these small group chats hosted by the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA):
Development and Conflict Resolution - May 10 at 4:00pm ET
Diplomacy and International Cooperation - May 16 at 4:00pm ET
Women, Peace, and Security - May 18 at 12:00pm ET
National Security and Global Threats - May 23 at 2:00pm ET
Global Communications - May 25 at 4:00pm ET
Human Rights, Social Justice, and Law - May 31 at 2:00pm ET
Energy, Sustainability, and Climate - June 6 at 4:00pm ET
Global Public Health - June 8 at 12:00pm ET
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